Friday, October 21, 2011

Emotional and Physical Bruises

Emotional bruises are like emotional scars, just with less effect. For example a physical scar lasts for life, but also fades over time. I'd be like if something really bad were to happen to you. You'd remember it for life, but the emotional effect it has on you will lessen over time. A physical bruise hurts when delivered and lasts about  a week, before it fades into nothingness. You might remember having the bruise later in life, but you might not. It's the same with a emotional bruise. When you get it, it hurts you. You think about it for about a week than you forget it, you might remember the event later on, but you might never remember it again.
Examples on emotional bruises:
Your boss calls you out and says you're not doing it right. You can't help but be hurt by what he said. About a week from then you don't remember why he called you out, just that he did.
Another example, you forgot your movie at your friends house and were planning on watching it tonight with your girlfriend, but now you can't. Do you seriously think you'd remember something like that in 5 years? No, you wouldn't (unless that incident ended your relationship...). It's something that happens to everybody and there is no shame in it. Just like getting a bruise on your leg because you ran into the table. Nobody remembers it, but you DID have a bruise.

These bruises might not mean anything to you at the time you get them or mean something to you in the future, but remember that without that event happening, you would not be the person you are today. This sentence might sound out of the blue to you, but it's always on my mind. This is who people are made. How people with murdering parents don't become murderers. How a person from a bad neighbor hood can become the nicest, kindest, most loving person you've ever met. Things that might mean nothing to you might mean everything yo others. If you didn't hit that table that day, you might been hit by a bus... Not likely, but plausible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "everything happens for a reason" type of person. I'm more of a "you act the way you act because of something in your past" type of person. Now, there are different types that fall into my category. There are the type that say "you will become like your mother, because it's something in your past that will predict what you'll do in the future" and there are the type that say "everything in you past matters. what you thought one day at a specific time matters, because everything you do, makes you who you are.". I sort of fall in the second type. Pretty obvious with the way I wrote that out, right?

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