Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

That should be the question... The biggest problem with blogging, is that I have no idea what to blog about. So I've decided not to care and write whatever I want with no subject, theme, writing style or other matter. The posts will just be me talking to... you? ...myself? ...the future me? ...the past/current me's that are in the present you's? Hmmm... to philosophical? I think so too... So this post will be about the movie Black Swan.

Now... you haven't traveled back in time, I saw the movie a while ago and re-saw it today. When it first came out it didn't look like a good movie. Or not a movie that suited my tastes. But my sister and mother both went and saw it in theaters though. They both said it was weird and creepy (mostly the part where she pulls off her on fingernail). After their comments I decided to watch it. Still not a movie I would have seen, but not bad. It's more psychological than anything else.

For those who haven't seen it, it's about a girl who gets the role of the black/white swan in the ballet story "the black swan" -I think....- And she takes the role way too seriously and over personalizes it. She makes the story her life. Her life becomes the story.

It really is a good psychological story for any psych majors out there. The reason I've seen it twice is because my friend wanted to see it (and she can't stand "scary" movies), so we watched it together.

It's an interesting plot. I understood it. Not all will, but it's not hard to if you look deep enough.  ....crap... I can't remember the reason to why I started this post... damn...

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